Temperature [ F° ]
Taupunkt [ F° ]
Luftfeuchte [ % ]
Wind [ mph ]
Regen Heute [ in ]
Luftdruck [ inHg ]
[] Wetter, Webcam, Blitz, [] Wetter, Blitz, [] Wetter, Webcam, [] Wetter
Diese Google Map zeigt die Positionen der aktuellen verbundenen regionalen Wetter Mitglieder des Netzwerks.
Marker mit Zahlen zeigen markierte Standorte - klicken um die Karte mit den Stations Markierungen zu vergrößern.. Wenn Sie auf einen Marker für eine Station klicken, wird eine beschreibendes Fenster geöffnet und zeigt Ihnen die Stations Features,einen Link zu der Station Homepage, die regionale Netzwerk Zugehörigkeiten für die Station, und die aktuellen Bedingungen an der Station (soweit verfügbar).
Klicken Sie auf die Home-Taste in der Kartennavigation, um die anfängliche Zoomstufe wiederherzustellen.
Global mesonet-map script by
Regional Mesonets
Affiliated Regional Weather Networks
998 stations in affiliated networks worldwide as of 2024-12-14 03:06:05 UTC
- Africa
- Namibia Weather Network 26 Stations in Namibia
- Canada
- Canadian Atlantic Weather Network 6 Stations in E-QC,NB,NS,PE,NL
- Ontario Weather Network 5 Stations in ON,W-QC
- Quebec Weather Network 3 Stations in E-ON,QC,NB,NS
- Saskatchewan Weather Network 1 Stations in SK
- Western Canada Weather Network 5 Stations in BC,AL
- Europe
- Austria Weather Network 19 Stations in Austria
- Benelux Weather Network 92 Stations in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
- Czech Republic Weather Weather Network 7 Stations in Czech Republic
- European Weather Network 277 Stations in Europe
- Wetter Netzwerk Deutschland 43 Stations in Germany
- Hellas Meteo Network 85 Stations in Greece
- Iberian Peninsula Weather Network 30 Stations in Spain, Portugal, Andorra
- Ireland Weather Network 26 Stations in Ireland
- Portugal Weather Network 49 Stations in Portugal
- Slovenia Weather Network 21 Stations in Slovenia
- United Kingdom Weather Network 60 Stations in England, Wales, Scotland, N.I.
- Pacific
- Australian Weather Network 23 Stations in ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
- New Zealand Local Weather Network 45 Stations in North Island, South Island
- Alaskan Weather Network 5 Stations in AK
- Mid-Atlantic Weather Network 26 Stations in PA, NJ, WV, VA, DE, MD, DC
- Mid-South Weather Network 16 Stations in TX, OK, AR, LA
- Midwestern Weather Network 56 Stations in MN, WI, MI, IA, IL, IN, OH, MO, KY
- North American Weather Network USA: National
- Northeastern Weather Network 42 Stations in PA, NJ, NY,CT, RI, MA, VT, NH, ME
- Northwest Weather Network 22 Stations in WA, OR, ID, MT
- Plains Weather Network 9 Stations in OK, KS, ND, NE, SD
- Rocky Mountain Weather Network 16 Stations in WY, CO, NM
- Southeastern Weather Network 23 Stations in TN, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL
- Southwestern Weather Network 25 Stations in AZ, CA, HI, NV, UT
Map data from Affiliated Regional Networks and scripts from
If you have a personal weather station publishing to a personal weather website, you can submit a request to have your
data included in this display by visiting the network for your geography from the list above.
Regional Networks created by along with the Global Afilliated Regional Networks hub site at [About]